Voice Box: What are you looking forward to for Spring break?

Lily Cole, Inayah Amir Bey and Muhannad Al-Shohaty | The Washtenaw Voice 

This graphic has the text "Voice Box" written in all caps surrounded by a thick, rectangular border.This graphic has the text "Voice Box" written in all caps surrounded by a thick, rectangular border.

Question: What are you looking forward to for Spring break? 




Headshot of Grace Ratliff smiling and tilting her head to the left and wearing a grey sweater.Headshot of Grace Ratliff smiling and tilting her head to the left and wearing a grey sweater. “Going to Florida with a friend who goes here. I’m excited to get out of the snowy weather.” 

Grace Ratliff
General Studies, 18 years old



Headshot of Lauren Sperduer smiling and wearing a yellow coat.Headshot of Lauren Sperduer smiling and wearing a yellow coat.“I didn’t know when break was until my teacher told me. I think I’m going to do some work and see my friends.”

Lauren Sperduer
Undecided, 19 years old



Headshot of Jazzlyn Crawford smiling and wearing a black jacket.Headshot of Jazzlyn Crawford smiling and wearing a black jacket.“Sleeping and going to the movies to see ‘Captain America: Brave New World.’”

Jazzlyn Crawford
General Studies, 17 years old 



Headshot of Raja Norris, smiling and wearing white headphones, a blue fuzzy scarf, and a camouflage jacket.Headshot of Raja Norris, smiling and wearing white headphones, a blue fuzzy scarf, and a camouflage jacket.“Working into a routine, ending school and finish strong.”

Raja Norris
Fashion Design, 20 years old



“Just to get by, graduate and get a job.”

Jeremy Nicholas
Welding, 23 years old



“Going to South Carolina. I’ll be in an Airbnb. Probably take photos of alligators.”

Noah Jones 
Digital Media Arts, 19 years old




The Washtenaw Voice

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