Voice Box: What are you looking forward to for Spring break?

Lily Cole, Inayah Amir Bey and Muhannad Al-Shohaty | The Washtenaw Voice 

This graphic has the text "Voice Box" written in all caps surrounded by a thick, rectangular border.

Question: What are you looking forward to for Spring break? 




Headshot of Grace Ratliff smiling and tilting her head to the left and wearing a grey sweater. “Going to Florida with a friend who goes here. I’m excited to get out of the snowy weather.” 

Grace Ratliff
General Studies, 18 years old



Headshot of Lauren Sperduer smiling and wearing a yellow coat.“I didn’t know when break was until my teacher told me. I think I’m going to do some work and see my friends.”

Lauren Sperduer
Undecided, 19 years old



Headshot of Jazzlyn Crawford smiling and wearing a black jacket.“Sleeping and going to the movies to see ‘Captain America: Brave New World.’”

Jazzlyn Crawford
General Studies, 17 years old 



Headshot of Raja Norris, smiling and wearing white headphones, a blue fuzzy scarf, and a camouflage jacket.“Working into a routine, ending school and finish strong.”

Raja Norris
Fashion Design, 20 years old



Headshot of Jeremy Nicholas wearing a grey pageboy cap, brown jacket, and black t-shirt.“Just to get by, graduate and get a job.”

Jeremy Nicholas
Welding, 23 years old



Headshot of Noah Jones, smiling and wearing a black hoodie.“Going to South Carolina. I’ll be in an Airbnb. Probably take photos of alligators.”

Noah Jones 
Digital Media Arts, 19 years old


