Lily Cole and Inayah Amir Bey
The Washtenaw Voice
Voice Box: If you could have one New Year’s resolution come true without putting in any work, what would it be and why?
“Bring peace to all nations of the Earth. That would be applicable in this setting.”
Bob Fike
Digital Video Production
”The gym. I don’t have time or money to go.”
Stosh Zasadny
“Be able to graduate with perfect grades.”
Reiker Marowelli
Business Management
“Every little child in foster care to be adopted and have a home. I watched a movie where they adopted all the children in town, and that’s what I want to do.”
Carol Osborne
Manager of Military Services
“The education system in the U.S. is foxed, and all people have equal and equitable access for education from the lowest grade to college, so the country will flourish.”
Laurie Englehart
Director of Adult Transitions
“I’m torn between two. It would be better at saving money or to lose a few pounds.”
Maurice Stovall
Full time OTP