Who’s on the ballot: Michigan election 2024 lineup

Elissa Slotkin will be on the Nov. 5 ballot next to her opponent Mike Rogers. Polling stations on Election Day are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Photo: Tribune Media

Yana McGuire

Staff Writer

On Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, 26% of registered Washtenaw County voters took to the polls for the 2024 primary election. The turnout was 10% lower than 2020s primary election, which also occurred simultaneously with the presidential election. The following is a brief overview of some key winners.

U.S. Senator


The announcement of longtime Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s retirement came as a surprise to many and left the seat open to the beginning of a new era. Elissa Slotkin won 76.3% of the votes, beating Hill Harper’s 23.7%.

Before leaving her U.S. Rep. seat to run for the U.S. Senate Democratic nomination, Slotkin was ranked as the most bipartisan member of Michigan’s U.S. House delegation by the Lugar Center-McCourt School Bipartisan Index. Slotkin has been endorsed by retiring incumbent Sen. Stabenow. According to Fox 2 Detroit, Stabenow believes that Slotkin “understands the skills you need in the Senate–not just to give speeches–but to actually get things done.” The two worked together to pass the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that helped Medicare recipients’ insulin medication costs cap at 35 USD a month.


Former U.S. Representative Mike Rogers pulled 63.2% of the votes, winning over Justin Amash (15.7%), Sherry O’Donnell (12.1%), and Sandy Pensler (9.1%).

During his U.S. House tenure, Rogers sponsored the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act 2006, which prohibited demonstrations at national cemeteries. This Act passed with a majority of 408 to three and was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

Rogers has the full support of former President Donald Trump. In a statement issued on social media platform, Truth, Trump vowed that “Mike Rogers will be a Great and Powerful Senator for Michigan, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. HE KNOWS HOW TO WIN!”

The former FBI agent and army veteran also has the support of national Republican groups, but has a long road to November due to the fact that since 1994 no republican has won a Michigan U.S. Senate election.

Michigan 7th Congressional District

Slotkin vacated her 7th Congressional District seat, leaving it up for grabs. Democrat Curtis Hertel Jr. and Republican Tom Barrett were both uncontested and will face off on the November ballot.

Washtenaw County Results

Washtenaw County Sheriff Incumbent Democrat Jerry Clayton has decided not to run, opening the race to new candidates. Alyshia Dyer won the Democratic nomination by 384 votes, narrowly beating Derrick Jackson. Dyer will be the first woman to serve as County Sheriff.

A new Treasurer will soon be serving Washtenaw county after 28 years of Democrat Catherine McClary holding the position. Republican Robert Zimmerman beat Brian Bennett with 66.65% of the votes. He will be facing uncontested Democrat Latitia Lamelle Sharp this November.

The Washtenaw Voice

