Staff and students pause for a game of kickball

Beck Landt

All players gather around for a sweaty group photo after the game ends. Paula Farmer | Washtenaw Voice

WCC hosted the first-ever Intramural Staff-Versus-Student Kickball game on the softball field outside the Health and Fitness Center—banter between staff and students kicking off the game.

John Toth, police officer at WCC, and Ashley Starts, counselor at WCC share a laugh before the game. Paula Farmer | Washtenaw Voice

The students were first up to kick, and the staff began in the field.

It was out after out and catch after catch to begin the match, both teams starting slow.

Taryn Willis high-fives her teammate after successfully making it to home plate. Paula Farmer | Washtenaw Voice

In the sixth inning though, the students pushed the ball far enough out of the staff’s reach to score two runs to take the lead. The staff eventually responded though by earning two runs later that same inning.

Rich Rezler stretches before the game starts. Paula Farmer | Washtenaw Voice

The seventh and final inning proved tough for the students, but the staff’s good fortune allowed them to score another two runs before the game ended.

When the ball became slippery from landing in a puddle, Matthew Lucas, the manager of sports at WCC, was up to kick. The students narrowly let one more run slip by before the third out, ending the game with a 5-2 score– the staff prevailing.

Zoe Rezler, who produced the event and student general fund staff member, said the game was “a good opportunity for staff and students because most of the time it’s just students participating.”





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