Courtney Prielipp
“I have to put myself in one area. Preferably outside of my house, that’s why I come here (library). I also have to give myself breaks so I come here knowing that I won’t have any distractions like laundry or my animals. And then I will change places, like I may go to a coffee shop, or go home but to a designated area and take breaks.”
Morgan Holt
“Well usually I like to go over my notes. And if there is any materials like slides or study guides, I will usually go through that. Try to highlight and take notes on things that I think are important. Maybe if it is partially a hard class, I may do flashcards or something.”
Avert Segur
environmental science
“So I am in the nursing program, so I go back through lectures and go back through the notes I’ve been taking all semester. And then I just watch some random videos on simple nursing on Youtube.”
Ashley Haverdink
“Make sure that I am up on all of my notes we have in my classes, for more of the traditional classes. A lot of my classes are in graphic design so mostly I am just pumping a lot of work, making sure I talk to some of my classmates to get critiques on a lot of my work to make sure it’s going along, and make sure it matches everything in case I miss something.”
Freyja Humbert-lles
graphic design
“I like to go over all my notes. I really like when teachers have a test prep thing, something with all of the points on it, like a test preview or something. I just go over all of my notes and I just put the time in to study.”
Jessica Milner
“I think it is important to not just study during the time but study as the class goes so you are familiar with the information. When you do have a final, try to study two weeks ahead of time. I write down notes to remember stuff more easily. Couple days before the test, go through everything and get through what you can.”
Nelson Portis
3D animations
“I like note cards a lot so I kind of have a system. There are a lot of majors that will give us a review sheet or go over it a couple days before. And I will also kind of go through my past testing and highlight points that I think I don’t know or I think would be really important. Then I make flashcards on them and go back and forth. I can have someone with me or I can do them by myself. That’s my primary way.”
Alyssa Milkey
Associates in Math and Science with a focus in Biology
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