Arts students shine at WCC’s annual Student Art Show Open House

Courtney Prielipp and Caleb Henderson
The Washtenaw Voice

John MacLean, student at WCC, won 2nd place for his ceramic of “Graffiti Vase #93”. Courtney Prielipp | Washtenaw Voice

On April 4, the WCC Arts department came together to spotlight standout students in the college’s annual open house.

Adjudicated by Jason Ferguson, a full professor in 3D and Foundations at Eastern Michigan, the open house spotlighted the top achievers in arts at the school, giving seven awards to students graded on by a committee.

“I have been a professor in the School of Art & Design at Eastern Michigan University for 13 years, and it is immediately clear to me when I am working with an alumnus or alumna of Washtenaw Community College,” remarked Ferguson in a statement following the event. “The skills and techniques taught at WCC are of the highest caliber.”

Maia Burrell, student at WCC, won the Dean’s Choice Award for her digital photography of “SOUL.” Courtney Prielipp | Washtenaw Voice

Taking home top honors on the night with a grand prize of tuition reimbursement was Xiaoyan Chi for her watercolor paintings of “Portrait of a Water Girl” and “Portrait of a Man Wearing Glasses.”

Chi’s artistry was lauded by jurors, with the committee noting both pieces to be “beautifully executed poetic paintings” worthy enough of first place.

Second place and a prize of art supplies went to John MacLean for “Graffiti Vase #93”, with third place and the same prize going to Raelene Hayes for her “Self-Portrait.”

Four students were also recognized for being promising artists in four separate categories—-2D Art Foundations, 3D Art Foundations, Graphic Design and Photography, and Video Production and Animation.

Kelsey Meadows, student at WCC, won the President’s Choice Award for her Ceramic Sculpture of “Dog-Headed Rhyton”. Courtney Prielipp | Washtenaw Voice

Judah LaFontaine, Lucy Lawrence, Aaron Smith, and Matt Walsh all took home awards in those respective categories.

Kelsey Meadows won the President’s Choice Award for her ceramic sculpture of “Dog-Headed Rhyton”, while Luis Paez-Como took home the Dean’s Choice Award for his photography of the “U of M Ross School of Business.”

Xiaoyan Cui, student at WCC, won first place for her watercolor paper of “Portrait of a Model Girl.” Courtney Prielipp | Washtenaw Voice

Maia Burrell also won the People’s Choice Award for her digital photography of “SOUL.”

Ferguson also shed further light on the process of leading the committee of jurors in selecting art show award winners, saying in a statement, “The award winners and honorable mentions that I have selected this year took their knowledge and skillset one step further.”

“They took risks, pushed boundaries, and expressed themselves beyond technical accomplishment,” he added.


