Voice Box: “What is the best April Fools prank?”

Abigail Gibb

“Something harmlessly funny, like switching a date around or something.”

Haley Brown, 19
business administration 


“Anything with a script that involves the classroom is funny. I saw a video of a teacher where he had a projector up and that he was helping himself fix it. So anything like that is quite funny!”

Evelyn Murphy, 18
liberal arts transfer


“I did one where it was a TikTok where you use google translate to type in this is a call from the correctional facility. I still have the recording of it. There’s also one where you smash someone’s gaming system and surprise them with a new one.”

Desiree Thompson, 25


“I don’t like pranks unless they’re all light hearted and sweet and nobody ends up getting hurt, injured, or offended. I think a prank should be casual and goofy and fun.” 

Eli Kevari, 19
english and screenwriting


“I did this one to my mom where you can look up a broken TV screen to get a 10 hour video and then just leave that and be like, I don’t know what happened. The TV just totally broke. I have no idea. And then I was like, no, no, just kidding. It’s not broken. I didn’t break the TV.”

Gavin Moon, 22
maintenance technicians 


“Probably taking a picture of someone’s phone laying on the kitchen counter and texting them later that they left their phone and then they come back in there to pick up their phone and it’s just a picture!”

Dominik Zasadny, 23



