Voice Box: “What’s the most surprising thing you’ve ever found while spring cleaning?”

Alejandra Smith

Staff Writter

“I once found an envelope full of love letters, polaroids and matching bracelets from my ex-girlfriend. We had a tradition of writing good luck letters before important exams. I recently moved here from Myanmar and I didn’t realize I brought it with me.”

Joseph Yup, 20


“While I was cleaning, I found a small basket under my bed that had one of my toys from when I was younger. It was a blue my little pony that was my favorite. I felt nostalgic, and it made me contemplate how my life has changed since then, when things were easier.”

Sherly Naba-Quintero, 19
Character Design


“I feel like the most interesting things I’ve found were passed down to me. I found this jewelry box from an antique parisian brand that belonged to my grandmother. It has a lot of sentimental value to me, and It makes me happy that I have an item that was important to her.”

Elsa Ho, 18
Liberal Arts Transfer


“I found my old 3ds from when I was a kid. I lost it back in 2019, and spent the pandemic without it. Funnily enough, I was cleaning out my brother’s room in 2022 and found it. The camera is broken and there are some internal repairs that I’ve been trying to do on it.”

Brendon Ghrist, 18
Human Services


“I was cleaning my room and I found my phone that I had lost two months prior. Unfortunately, I gave up looking for it and just bought a new one.”

Ricardo Becerra, 19


