What do you think of President Biden’s two years in office?

By Willow Symonds
Staff Writer

“I don’t have any major complaints but [Biden] is very neutral on a lot of things. It feels like not a lot of people wanted him, even the people who voted for him. … He could do more with communication, though I know that’s hard considering how divided everyone is.” Shani Van Heerde, Pre-Law





“I really dislike [Biden] because he supports the Israeli government, which goes against Palestine, and I’m Palestinian. I don’t think he’s ever gonna change.” Saif Hassein, undecided






“One thing I’ve watched closely is student loans. In fact, I’m filling out [a student loans sheet] right now. I know he’s trying, but stuff with the Supreme Court isn’t working out. I’m conflicted on Biden. It feels like a lot he promised before the election is falling through.” Rachel Ratajczak, Computer Science





“The country has not been in the best spot these past two years. It’s been rough [with] groceries, gas prices. … I don’t like the student loan exemptions. We’re at community college because we don’t want to pay for student loans, and now [Biden is] refunding everyone else’s.” Josh Knehr, Journalism





“I’m happy they’re repealing the Parents Protection Action Act from Trump’s time, which made it difficult for queer people, people of color, and non-Christians to adopt. I’m not sure if they’ve completely overturned it, but I think they’re making progress.” Kowsar Mohamed, Biology





“I definitely like Biden taking effort to reach out to people in the African-American community. He’s acknowledged Black-led Greek letter organizations for Founders’ Day, including Kamala Harris’ [former] sorority, in the last few weeks. I dislike his family scandals. They discredit him, and he fought hard to step from VP to President.” Dary’us Bell, Photography




“I dislike that having a fairly bland president is the best we can hope for. I like the fact I don’t have to worry about it because at least [Biden] probably hasn’t declared war.” Carrie Sonen, undecided



Willow Symonds

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