What’s the best thing that happened to you this year? What was the most challenging?

Breyon Scribbling // 3-D Animation and Game Design

The best thing that happened was that I got a job that paid more than my last job. The most challenging: I’m about to be a dad!

Ryan Papero // Business Management

Biggest challenge would be losing my car, my job, my house, and my bank account all on my birthday. Luckily, I had a friend that was visiting who offered me a place to live. The best thing would be meeting her.

Audrey Loviska // Cyber Security

The best thing would be meeting Olivia. The hardest thing would be getting ready to enter college.

Olivia Onye // Nursing

The best thing would be the teachers. They encourage you more than regular teachers. The most challenging would be getting used to the college lifestyle. There’s no one to do your work for you. But here, the school does motivate you to do your best work.

Lawson Vaughn // Liberal Arts

The best thing that happened to me was being able to hang out with my friend and getting to spend Thanksgiving with her. The most challenging thing was my fitness class.

Kayla Ballou // Undecided

The best thing was making new friends. The hardest challenge was keeping track of all my due dates.


Anju // Japanese

The best was going to school, meeting new friends, getting my own house and my car, and meeting my best friend Grant. The worst was my mom getting COVID for the second time.



Danny Oh

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