
Column: NaNaNaNa, NaNaNaNa, hey hey hey, goodbye

By RJ Hunt

We are officially down to the final stretch of me being the editor of The Washtenaw Voice. I can’t believe that the time is near, but time doesn’t wait on anybody. In my first ever column for The Voice, I talked about how I was nervous and excited for the role. Truth be told, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. However, I am here to say that I’m very glad with how things turned out. 

I have been editor for three semesters and it has been one of my biggest accomplishments. It taught me so many things about journalism. I have a new appreciation for what those in the newsroom go through. It’s so many things to manage at once, so I respect those who take on a journalism role. Things weren’t always easy for me. In the beginning, I had the moment where I was thinking ‘this might be too much for me.’ I got through it and I’m so glad I pushed through because if I didn’t, then I wouldn’t have experienced the life lessons I learned on the way.

I learned how to work with a team. This was an adjustment because I was used to working by myself. Now I had to learn to work with others to make the train keep rolling. A newsroom is one of the most fast paced environments one can be in. Therefore, I had to learn good time management skills. As editor, I had to lead the way with many tasks, delegate people for this and that, and I made a lot of final decisions. Nothing could be published without me approving. This was a lot of weight on my shoulders, but I’m glad I went through it because it made me know what being a leader is like.

There are many things I’m going to miss about WCC, but especially The Voice. It was times that I saw my colleagues more than my family. There is a special bond about the team we have at The Voice. Not only do we work together, but we share many laughs together too. Just ask one of the staff members why I refuse to eat Chick-Fil-A around them anymore.

I have enjoyed my time at WCC, especially as someone who had zero intentions of becoming a student here. Things are bittersweet for me as I am sad to leave The Voice and WCC. On the other hand, I’m looking forward to my next step which will be Eastern Michigan University. I’m so grateful for the 3+1 articulation agreement because hopefully around this time next year I’ll be receiving my bachelor’s degree in Communications.

If this was an award show speech, the music would be playing on me by now. I can’t end this without a few thank yous. I am very thankful to all of those I have worked with during my time as editor from the contributors to the staff students. Naming all of them would take forever, but I want them to know how much I appreciate them putting up with me. A special thanks goes out to my deputy editors, James and Jordan, who pushed me to be better at leading the team and how to make my writing stronger. I am very grateful for those two because they were instrumental in my writing ways, but also making me who I am as I appreciated the talks we would have about work, but also about life.

Lastly, I have to thank the team’s advisor, Judy McGovern. I thank Judy because she took a chance on me, and I’m so glad she did. I had zero experience of working for a news publication and she asked me to be the editor fresh out the gate. I felt like a minor leaguer getting called up to the big leagues to pinch-hit in the 9th inning. I felt some pressure taking on this role, but Judy would always help ease that pressure by having patience. Let me say that having patience with me is not an easy thing to do. Judy never showed any doubt with me (the key word is ‘showed’ because I never noticed).

I keep saying this but I really am fortunate for the time I had at The Voice. It was a commitment that shaped me and my future. It was well needed. This might be the last time you see me in the newspaper, but this won’t be the last you hear from me. Hopefully you see me on T.V. as a broadcaster, but until then go to to check out my podcast. I had to throw in a quick plug. Thank you all for your support and even though I’m leaving, I promise the Voice is in good hands. 



R.J. Hunt

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