Voice Box: If you studied abroad, where would you want to go?

By Willow Symonds
Staff Writer

“Probably Australia. I’m a big nature person, and I’d want to see the different cultures and the different animals.” A-Nyja Scott, Healthcare Foundations

“Spain. I’d like to get to know the culture. If they had a nursing program, that would be cool, because I know a lot of places there are struggling.” Olivia Mueller, Nursing


“Germany has a nice history, from the 14th or 15th century to the 20th century. If I studied abroad, I’d be a history major.” Brendan Adams, WTMC General Math & Science


“France. My first language is French. I’ve been to Paris, but I’d like to go to Leon.” Marian Hallha, undecided


“I would go to Turkey. A lot of my family is from there, and a lot of them have been there, but I haven’t had the chance to go yet.” Avery Monsma, WTMC


“Costa Rica. I want to learn more Spanish and more about the culture.” Alexandria Furgeson, Nursing


“The U.K. I went once before and enjoyed it, and I speak the language.” Aiden Barcome, undecided


“Probably Italy. I went there once, but I was quite young. I’d go back again and fully take in the culture.” Shelby Vantreese, General Studies


“Norway seems pretty cool. It’s in the Europe area, and I have a friend who lives there. They also don’t have to take general education classes, just ones related to their major, which I like.” Paige Jones, Broadcasting


“Probably France. They have such a different culture.” Noah Slone, WTMC


“Italy. I would see all of the old things, lots of history and stuff. Just about anywhere has more of that than we do, though.” Dylan Radabaugh, Manufacturing & Design

