Voice Box: It’s no secret that we’re living in trying times. What motivates you to continue your education?

It’s no secret that we’re living in trying times. What motivates you to continue your education?

by R.J. HUNT

“My parents motivate me to continue my education.”


Leylan Kazi
General Math and Science

“After everything that’s happened and being stuck in quarantine, seeing people around me inspires me to keep moving forward.”


Tyler Bailey
Art and Game Design

“The more that I learn, the better I’ll become as a person. That simple fact keeps me going.”


Robert Rice

“Partially it’s my parents motivating me, but it’s also that I look forward to different careers and opportunities. I want to continue my education, so I can reach those opportunities. Without education, I won’t be able to.”

Suhhayb Said
General Studies

“My parents. Also, thinking about my future and how I will support my family.”


Umar Muhammad
General Math and Science

“I came back to school just before the pandemic. For me, just knowing I can (get my associates) and pushing through to get it done. It’s been challenging but I want to prove to myself I can do it.”

Sarah Turnbull
Business Management

“Looking forward to the future and having something I can do later on.”


Jerome Howell
WTMC Student


