Voice Box: Mask on, mask off: WCC students share their thoughts on wearing masks


Staff Writer

Q: When you’re not on campus, how often do you wear your mask and why?


Brendan Howard

“I usually wear my mask whenever I’m in public buildings, because I’ve known people that have been fully vaccinated and still gotten one of the variants. So just to be safe I like to wear it.”
Brendan Howard


Evan Shumard

“Typically when I go to a store or whatever, not at home of course, but public areas.”
Evan Shumard
Liberal Arts Transfer



Christyn Tayar

“I wear it out in public in general, for the safety of others.”
Christyn Tayar
General Studies Transfer


Fawaz Nimer

“I never wear my mask because it messes up my beard, it messes up my skin, and I can’t breathe in it. I just don’t support it.”
Fawaz Nimer
Washtenaw Technical Middle College



Moody Imran

“Not often because I’m vaccinated. I know when I’m vaccinated I can still get (COVID), but I don’t like having (the mask) on my face, it’s suffocating.”
Moody Imran
Washtenaw Technical Middle College


Kristine Bassett

“Rarely, because I’m vaccinated.”
Kristine Bassett



Kamarie Mayes

“I wear my mask a lot because I haven’t got vaccinated yet. I’m scared of COVID, and I don’t wanna get it.”
Kamarie Mayes
Ypsilanti Community High School Dual-Enroll, Nursing


Marcus Gharbieh

“Whenever I go to indoor places like the gym or something, because that’s my parents’ rules.”
Marcus Gharbieh
Washtenaw Technical Middle College



Hanna Foster (right) and Melissa Ederle (left)

“We wear it all the time because of medical reasons, and we work in a medical office.”
Hanna Foster & Melissa Ederle

