WCC’s fitness center workout equipment includes treadmills, bicycles, and weights. R.J. Hunt | Washtenaw Voice


How many of you were aware that WCC has its own fitness center? The answer to that is probably the majority of you already knew that. The real question is, how many of you knew that you could take a fitness class at the fitness center to earn credits? The answer to that question is probably the majority of you did not know that already.

Yes, WCC offers a class where you can workout at the Health and Fitness Center and earn credits at the same time. To receive credit for the course, you are required to:

  1. Attend an orientation session.
  2. Complete an orientation quiz.
  3. Fill out a survey regarding your fitness goals for the semester.
  4. Record 15 workout sessions.
  5. Fill out a survey at the end of the course regarding whether you met your fitness goals or not.

Now, if you have read that and have already had a little panic, allow me to cool you back down. The orientation is straightforward. The staff tells you the do’s and don’ts of the fitness center and what you need to accomplish to pass the class. The orientation quiz has only a few questions. Seriously, it’s only about five questions, and the questions asked are about what you were told during orientation. The survey covers whatever you want to accomplish. If your goal is to lose five pounds, write it down, and you’re done with the survey. The same thing goes for the end-of-course survey; you write how you feel about whether you met your goals or not.

Most people have questions about how the 15 workout sessions are recorded. First, this does not mean recording with your phone because you cannot be on your phone in the facility. However, you are supposed to record the data as far as when you completed each workout session. After each session, you go onto WCC’s Blackboard website, and you will mark that you did your 1st workout, 2nd workout, and so on.

Remember, you only have to go 15 times throughout the course. Also, you can do your own workout. Trainers are available, but you don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. During your 15 required fitness center visits, you can do something as simple as a 15-minute walk around the track, or you can spend two hours of advanced cardio work. It’s your choice, though the latter is not for me. The fitness center is also open seven days of the week and for most hours throughout the day. As you can see, the course makes things as convenient as possible.

Of course, the Covid-19 Pandemic is not over, but the fitness center does an excellent job of keeping everyone safe. You must keep a mask on at all times, and you must wipe down all equipment before and after use. Also, the facility is never crowded, so you don’t have to worry about people’s lack of social distancing.

When I first found out about the class, everything sounded too good to be true. Then after I attended orientation, I knew there was no way that I would not take this class. Now that I’m a few weeks into the class, I can honestly say I have enjoyed the course a lot. If you’re like me, the winter months can make it challenging to stay motivated to work out because of the cold and ice, making something like running on the sidewalk a task. Therefore, you can use the alternative and use the fitness center.

I’m shocked that more people are not taking the course. You get to earn college credits while staying healthy. What’s there not to like about that? When you have an in-person class, you can hit the gym before or after class since you’re already on campus. Once again, the course makes things extremely convenient. If you’re interested in joining the course or learning more about the P.E. class, contact Valerie Greaves at her email vgreaves@wccnet.edu.

