A preview of WCC’s “Earth Month”

The treeline bordering the edge of Lake Kitch-iti-Kipi in Manistique, MI.
Torrence Williams | Washtenaw Voice


Rachel Barsch and Student Activities are organizing “Earth Month,” “a month summit of talks, activities, and workshops.”

Interactive zoom sessions, with topics surrounding sustainability, will be held during the week of April 19. Throughout the month of April, participants are also encouraged to complete Science-Starter Activities, which involve submitting original photos to win prizes. Most guest speakers are WCC affiliated, but some will be visiting.

“We hope for people to learn about sustainability efforts happening at WCC,” said Rachel Barsch, Supervisor of Student Activities at WCC.

Current sustainability efforts happening at WCC that will be discussed further during “Earth Month” include a bike and other alternatives transportation-friendly campus, preserving space on campus for bees, keeping worms on campus for composting, and preservation of campus trees.

In previous years, WCC would ask nonprofit organizations to set up tables in the Student Center for Earth Day, but this year they wanted to prompt more student involvement by making this observance more interactive.

“I’m excited for the potential student engagement, to see students’ photos, and to celebrate our beautiful campus,” said Barsch.

Participants are encouraged to start thinking about making more sustainable decisions at home or in their future workplaces.

All are welcome to participate and attend. Participants will be asked to register for events before joining zoom sessions. To register now and learn more information about specific events and activities, see the event’s landing page.

