WCC sports department offers free events for students, faculty, and staff

Golf club students John Feenbacher, Evan Peoples, and Jorge DiGivanni. Torrence Williams | Washtenaw Voice

By Kristy King
Staff Writer

Between classes, work, and social gatherings, everyone has had to get creative in order to be safe during this pandemic, which is exactly what Washtenaw Community College’s sports department is doing.

In an effort to keep students engaged while following the college’s safety protocols, WCC’s sports department has come up with several events and activities this semester, all of which are free.

“We’re just happy to offer alternatives that are safe for students,” said Matt Lucas, supervisor of WCC sports.

Lucas’s team has been brainstorming to come up with new ideas for students, faculty, and staff in hopes to keep them connected while also being safe with sports. They’re offering events ranging from a high activity level to hardly any movement at all.

Jorge DiGiovanni takes a swing while wearing a mask. Torrence Williams | Washtenaw Voice

Every Wednesday until Oct. 21, WCC sports will be hosting the Washtenaw Golf Club which is open to students, faculty, and staff.

“Golf is great because it’s outside,” Lucas said. “I know people have hesitations, but our check-in process is the same you would do on campus. Upon arrival we take your temperature with a temperature gun, we run you through pre-screening questions, and then you’re required to wear a mask the entire time. We just had our first outing and it was a huge success with everyone having fun and remaining socially distant.”

The sports department is offering several events in addition to the Wednesday golf outings.

A Esports Tournament featuring Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was held on Saturday, Sept. 26 and streamed on Twitch. This online platform option allowed multiple people to connect either by playing or viewing.

The sports department also organized a walking challenge, where participants are placed on teams, adding another way to connect during the pandemic.

“Again, not just a way for students to have fitness but a way to connect them on a team,” Lucas said.

Another outdoor option is the conditioning workouts that will be held at WCC’s soccer field, where a personal trainer runs a group workout.

“Everyone is spread out with extra social distancing so it’s extremely safe,” said Ann Kehn, Aquatics Coordinator at WCC’s Health and Fitness Center. “Everyone is pre-screened and I run them through a HIIT workout.”

Students participate in an outdoor HIIT class. Torrence Williams | Washtenaw Voice

These conditioning workouts will be held every Tuesday and Thursday. Spots are limited. According to Kehn, everyone was happy to be there and got in a good workout, including herself.

“It’s great to get back to teaching classes,” Kehn said. “We are blessed to have a wonderful facility and a group to administer them. We have a great support staff at WCC and it was a beautiful day to get in a great workout.”

For sports fans, the department is offering the Best Athlete Bracket Challenge, which can be joined at any round.

Students can reserve spots for these free events in Campus Connect.



Kristy King

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