Campus Crime Log: 2/21/2020 – 03/06/2020

WCC's campus safety vehicle

The following incidents were reported by WCC public safety between Feb. 21 and March 6.

Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree – False Report

Reported: Feb. 11, 2020, Case: Closed.

A WCC student, female, made a false report to campus police on Feb. 18. The student claimed she was sexually assaulted at the Health and Fitness Center parking lot while walking towards her car during evening hours at an unspecified date in January of this year.

Campus police made a robust response, but the investigation quickly determined that there was no assault nor did the event described ever occur. The student admitted that she made a false report.

Campus police will not charge the student criminally. Instead, the student has been referred to the Dean of Students for conduct referral and to the counseling department.

At no time after the report was there any concern for the safety of the staff and students on campus, according to Campus Police.


Danny Villalobos | Contributor

