The Voice endorses 2020 candidate

The Voice stands behind presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders. VOICE FILE PHOTO


During his term, President Donald Trump has turned the country upside down with his attacks on immigrants, justice, the environment and the truth, to name just a few. He has brought embarrassment to the United States on a global scale and has destroyed longtime alliances. Not to mention, he repeatedly pushes past the limits of presidential power.

We hope everyone hits the polls for the March 10 election—whatever your political ideology may be.

For those who haven’t yet made up their minds on a presidential candidate, the Voice offers a recommendation: The independent hopeful Bernie Sanders.

We believe a president as extreme on the political spectrum as Trump cannot be taken down by a moderate or a “safe” candidate. We think Sanders can reach individuals who feel lost and marginalized by the current administration.

We endorse Sanders with the belief that he is the strongest candidate—his policies, grassroots organizing and mission to take money out of politics make him stand out.

We recognize Sanders’ passion for equality and justice as authentic and refreshing. We feel that electing an independent, Democratic-socialist to office would not only disrupt the political status quo, but redefine and progress the U.S. presidency.

His aggressive approach to combat climate change is necessary. His emphasis on starting at the homefront and improving the lives of the American people—from Medicare For All to to prison reform—reminds us of the positive impacts former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made with the New Deal.

Sanders inspires a hope for our country that has been stamped out of us throughout the past four years. Though unconventional, Sanders’ leadership might be just the remedy we need for the tumultuous state of our union.



The Washtenaw Voice

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