A primer on the primaries: Candidates on 5 issues college students care about

California primary election, June 7, 2016. Voice File Photo

Primary election sticker from 2016. Voice File Photo

By Catherine Hadley-Engstrom
Staff Writer

On March 10,  Michigan voters will choose a candidate to battle it out in the presidential race. With the recent mayhem in Iowa over voting errors during the caucus, a leader from the Democratic race is still unclear.

This election will be the first major one since Proposal 18-3 passed, which allows any Michigan resident to vote via absentee ballot without a reason. Michigan voters can register as absentee and vote by mail in elections instead of having to go to the voting booth.


Bernie SandersBernie Sanders

Health Care: Medicare for all

College: Free tuition; cancel loan debts

Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Warren

Health Care: Medicare for all

College: Free tuition; cancel loan debts

Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Andrew YangAndrew Yang

Health Care: Expand access; lower costs

College: Lower tuition; free or nearly free community college

Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal

Gun Control: Clearly define and ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Michael BennetMichael Bennet

Health Care: Expand Affordable Care Act

College: Free community college; increase financial aid

Climate Change: Net-zero emissions by 2050

Gun Control: Unclear

Marijuana: Legalize it


Official portrait of Vice President Joe Biden in his West Wing Office at the White House, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by David Lienemann) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.Joe Biden

Health Care: Expand Affordable Care Act

College: Free community college; increase financial aid

Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Unclear


Pete ButtigiegPete Buttigeig

Health Care: Universal coverage for all who want it

College: Free public tuition for 80% of American families; increase financial aid

Climate Change: Supports the Green New Deal

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Amy KlobucharAmy Klobuchar

Health Care: Expand Affordable Care Act

College: Free community college; increase financial aid

Climate Change: Supports a Green New Deal

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Mike BloombergMichael Bloomberg

Health Care: Public option; expand Affordable Care Act

College: Improve schools

Climate Change: Decarbonize by 2050

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: States should decide


Patrick DevalDeval Patrick

Health Care: Merge Medicaid and Medicare; expand coverage

College: Supports free community college; reduce student debt

Climate Change: Carbon-neutral by 2040

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Gubbard TulsiTulsi Gabbard 

Health Care: Medicare for all

College: Free tuition

Climate Change: End fossil fuel subsidies

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it


Tom SteyerTom Steyer

Health Care: Public option; expand Affordable Care Act

College: Increase financial aid; lower student debt

Climate Change: Carbon-neutral by 2045

Gun Control: Ban assault weapons

Marijuana: Legalize it



Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)Donald Trump

Health Care: Against Affordable Care Act and pro-shrinking Medicare

College: Implemented year-round Pell Grant access

Climate Change: Withdrew from Paris Climate Agreement; increased fossil, coal energy projects; expanded oil, gas drilling

Gun Control: Has discussed gun regulation previously

Marijuana: Unclear


Bill WeldWilliam Weld

Health Care: Keep and adapt Affordable Care Act

College: Two free years for displaced workers and low-income students

Climate Change: Rejoin the Paris Accords

Gun Control: Keep automatic weapons illegal

Marijuana: Pro-medical marijuana


