By Lilly Kujawski

Illustrations by Kaitlyn Carr



ARIES: You’re passionate and sometimes impulsive. You may have a habit of saying something you don’t really mean because you didn’t think it through first. This year, focus on taking a moment to reflect and think about what you want to say, before you react.




TAURUS: Sometimes criticism can feel like an attack, but constructive feedback and suggestions help us grow and be better. This year, work on accepting and embracing constructive criticism; take it as a learning opportunity, not a personal attack on you.




GEMINI: Some say Geminis are inconsistent but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Paired with your quick-wit and energy, your adaptable nature can be an asset. This year, focus your attention on just one or two main projects that fuel you— and see them through.




CANCER: You’re a homebody at heart and like the feeling of security. While the outside world may sometimes feel threatening, it’s important to step outside your comfort zone. This year, create new connections and try new things—start with baby steps.




Leo: You’re confident and sure of yourself, with the talents and kind heart to back it up. This year, focus on directing your talents and generosity toward a good cause. Spend some time volunteering or pick up litter at your local park.





Virgo: Your attention-to-detail and critical eye is a blessing and a curse. This year, allow yourself the freedom of just doing your best—and don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.




Libra: Often indecisive, you might feel outside pressure sometimes to commit and conform when your heart isn’t really in it. This year, give yourself the space to explore and experiment before you set anything in stone.




Scorpio: Powerful and sometimes stubborn, you don’t take betrayal and slight easily—even perceived slights and betrayals. While this often comes from a place of self-preservation, take a risk this year and work to forgive someone you might write-off otherwise.




Sagittarius: Generous and loyal, the heart of a Sagittarius is paved with good intentions—so if you’re sometimes a little flaky, it’s never meant out of menace. This year, challenge yourself to follow through on your word and only make promises you want to keep.




Capricorn: Forever the responsible one, you’ve got the world on your shoulders. And maybe that’s been working for you so far, but even our most disciplined zodiac deserves a break. This year, commit to a just-for-fun, no-work-attached extracurricular to keep your spirits up.




Aquarius: You like to keep your vulnerabilities close to your heart, and sometimes you can come off as cold, when really you’re just trying to protect yourself. Be intentional with what you share and with whom, but this year, challenge yourself to let others in.




Pisces: You see the good in everyone, which is part of what makes you so compassionate. Sometimes being so selfless can hurt you, though. Don’t let go of your kind, loving nature, but this year, don’t be afraid to set boundaries when needed.



Lilly Kujawski

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