International Thanksgiving dinner highlights fashion, culture

Students gather at the international Thanksgiving dinner to share a potluck-style meal together. Brian Babcock | Washtenaw Voice

By Brian Babcock
Staff Writer

Last Thursday, more than 100 people filled Garrett’s Restaurant at WCC’s Student Center to enjoy the college’s 5th annual international Thanksgiving dinner.

The evening began with an introduction to the dozens of authentic dishes prepared by students from around the globe. Music filled the space as people lined up to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with food from around the world. In addition to the food, students held a fashion show, with many dressing up in their respective cultural garbs. To top the ceremony off, everyone joined together in a game of internationally themed Jeopardy.

Devin Streur is the man behind the college’s international Thanksgiving dinners. Five years ago, Streur joined the college as the new international student advisor.

“For me, it’s all about community. Showing off the diversity and communal aspect that our international student population has . . . it’s just an awesome way to showcase culture,” Streur said.

Currently, about 10% of the college’s student population consists of international students, according to Streur.

“If you want to broaden it to the furthest extension of the definition, including green card-holders, basically anybody born from another country who is at the college, we’re at about 800 to 1000. It’s a large representation of our college, so it’s really cool to see and taste different parts of the world here at this event,” he said.

Streur didn’t stop at food though. He also mentioned the college’s “Diversity Extravaganza,” an event which took place four years prior, but went away with the dean who hosted it.

“We had had a fashion show with our Diversity Extravaganza about four years ago . . . so this is a cool way to still bring back that cultural element,” Streur said.

This aspect of the college’s culture was revived again with strong popularity during the Thanksgiving event on Nov. 21.

Daniela Rivas Balanta is an international student from Colombia who won the fashion show in her Colombian dress. Balanta has been attending WCC for over two years, and has attended the international thanksgiving for the past three years.

“Having everybody with different backgrounds and cultures sharing in one experience is truly special . . . the food is amazing too. You get to travel the world in one day, basically.”



Brian Babcock

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