Campus Crime Log: November 19, 2019

WCC's campus safety vehicle

The following incidents were reported by WCC campus safety officials between Oct. 31 and Nov. 15.


On Nov. 8, a non-student male in his early 20s was found loitering behind the Towsley Auditorium stage in Morris Lawrence. Public-safety officials instructed him to leave campus and not return. The man, from Ypsilanti, has previously appeared at a dance class before being removed.


On Nov. 10, a woman reported a coat she left near the LA parking structure bridge was missing. The coat is worth an estimated $150.
On Nov. 10, a faculty member in the TI building reported an oscilloscope missing. The device is valued at $390.

Disorderly conduct

On Nov. 14, a male in his early 20s was reportedly bothering students. He then began shouting incoherently, exiting campus property before public safety arrived. Campus safety has previously attempted to help him, but he refused.

Danny Villalobos | Contributor

