Students dig food forest

Julio Roque shovels holes for the new apple trees. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice
Braeburn apple trees in the food forest. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice
Andrew Lyandar works on the steel barrier around the newly planted apple trees to prevent animals from eating the fruit. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice
Emily Thompson and Theodore Bohdanowycz strategize about the placement of the new plants. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice

By Lilly Kujawski

The Students for Sustainability club is currently creating a food forest on campus. According to Emily Thompson, the club’s adviser, a food forest is a recreated forest that mimics the natural ecosystem.

All the plants in the food forest are edible, either to humans or other animals, Thompson said.

The club has already planted apple trees, lilies, garlic, kale, shiitake mushrooms and hickory nuts, she said.

Ideally, the club would like to be able to harvest the crops and share them with the campus community, Thompson said.

“The idea would be that students could come into the food forest and get an apple for lunch,” Thompson said. “I imagine that the club would be able to harvest the crops and make them available.”

Thomspon added that the club is looking for people to help out with small, personal harvesting.



Lilly Kujawski

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