Top hiking trails for fall scenery

Aaron Cruz, a local Ann Arborite, stops at Parker Mill County Park often on lunch breaks to take photos of the leaves at the peak of their fall colors. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice

Aaron Cruz, a local Ann Arborite, stops at Parker Mill County Park often on lunch breaks to take photos of the leaves at the peak of their fall colors. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice

By Brian Babcock
Staff Writer

The weather is brisk, and the leaves have become crimson red and bright gold. With an abundance of nature trails in the area, it’s time to lace up the hiking shoes and get outside. Whether your expedition is done alone, with friends, or family, here are some top locales for fall hiking fun.

Parker Mill County Park
4650 Geddes Road, Ann Arbor

This trail makes it on the top five list for two reasons: beauty and ease of access. Located less than one mile north of the college, this historic park provides rich beauty in a convenient location. Hikers who choose this location will have the opportunity to follow Fleming Creek to the Huron river. Maples, patches of pine and mature oaks surround the 2.5 miles of paved paths and wooden boardwalk trails.

Aaron Cruz, an Ann Arbor native, enjoys taking in the area’s natural beauty as much as possible. He claims this area in particular has the best beauty earlier on in the season.

“This area usually reaches its peak before others. . . since the season is so short and it’s going to get cold quickly, it’s definitely time to get out,” Cruz said.


Nichol’s Arboretum Loop Trail
1610 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor

Also known as The Arb, this local Ann Arbor hiking trail offers a wide variety of scenic features from rolling deciduous hills to maple groves along the Huron River. At almost 3 miles in length, it is the perfect length for an evening walk away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

One thing that makes this spot especially popular are the well-maintained foot paths along the hills. Hikers who enjoy being on higher ground and looking down on the wildlife before them should consider this spot.


Bird Hills Trail
1850 Newport Road, Ann Arbor

For those with a more ambitious side, Bird Hills Trail is for you. This 4.8 mile hiking trail, located in Ann Arbor’s northside makes it on the list due to its opportunity for people to satisfy the desire to be alone in nature.

This location’s popularity is balanced out due to its length at almost 5 miles. The nature area boasts a dense combination of deciduous and coniferous forest types on the west side with very mature oaks and maples. It is during this time that the upper tree canopy bursts into color and this is one of the main reasons why it made it onto the list. Furthermore, the nature area is split down the midline by the Huron River, offering another scenic highlight.


Matthaei Botanical Gardens

1800 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor

For people who don’t mind a more heavily-traversed hiking location, the University of Michigan’s Matthaei Botanical Gardens is a good option.

It isn’t surprising why this spot is so popular—it’s a great spot the view wildlife. Located 10 minutes by car north of WCC, this popular 1.4 mile trail offers some of the most scenic glimpses into nature. Flowing rock-bed streams, vernal ponds and a seemingly endless assortment of tree species cover the landscape.

Andy Traugh is a visitor engagement manager at the gardens. He cites the locations preserved beauty as its main attraction.

“Everyday we see between 50 and 100 visitors use the trail . . . we do maintain as much of the natural setting as possible,” Traugh said.

He also said the area offers a different glimpse of fall due to the tall golden prairie grass which is abundant here.


Border to Border Trail
8140 Main St., Dexter

For those looking to make an escape to the country, look no further than the Border to Border Trail. Almost 5 miles of pathed paths and elevated boardwalks weave through rolling prairies, an assortment of forest types, and along the Huron River. One key feature of this trail lies in it’s high-quality pathed and boardwalk trails. This provides a very smooth and easy walk for those looking for a peaceful hike; biking is also allowed on the trail.

