From left to right: Julio Roque, Martin Davalier, and Lama Dahglas share with students what the Pre-Med club has to offer. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice
By Claire Convis
Staff Writer
The Student Club fair held at WCC on Oct. 15-16 featured a variety of clubs and groups that WCC students can participate in.
Animators Anonymous
The group Animators Anonymous was revamped only last month. Club leader Samadhi Tedraw and club officer Jamey Madsen are both majoring in 3D Animation.
Tedraw and Madsen encouraged students who are creatively or technically inclined to join the group. Tedraw described the club as a place to learn and work together to create stories and characters. The group meets on Mondays from 4-6 p.m. in GM 020.
Mathematics Club
The WCC Mathematics Club began meeting in January of this year, and members Sara Timoficiuc and Andrew Lyandar have both been involved in the group since the start.
Timoficiuc and Lyandar are both majoring in engineering, and they encourage students to check out the group whether they’re a math wizard or struggling to grasp certain concepts.
Lyandar said that the club is useful for those who are interested in going beyond and solving complex problems, but also for those who need help when it comes to learning math.
“When it comes to harder problems, they get stuck because they don’t know how to approach it,” said Lyandar.
Movement Club
The Movement Club just started this past January, and meets on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in ML 158. The group meeting begins with a 30-minute bible study and then transitions into learning dances for those who are interested in dance ministry.
Pre-Law Club
Alysha Rossetto, a political science major, is the leader of the Pre-Law Club, which has been a part of WCC for about four years.
Originally, the club was founded with a focus on students working towards a pre-law degree, but now the group has become open to anyone who wants to learn more about the law.
“We want to make sure that people are educated about the law and their rights,” Rossetto said. Rosseto’s goal is to someday work for a non-profit civil rights center.
There will be an opportunity for WCC students to learn more about due process and their rights in a special meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 22, from 5-6 p.m. in LA 371. Usual club meetings are held on Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m. in LA 340.
Rossetto also leads the UNICEF initiative on campus, which stands for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. UNICEF is present in over 190 countries and territories around the world and works to protect, feed and provide educational opportunities for children.
This initiative seeks to raise awareness on campus and funds for the organization. The group meets on Tuesdays from 4-5 p.m. in LA 340, although the Oct. 22 meeting will be held in LA 371.
Student Economic Club
Members of the Student Economic Club Benjamin Claar and Chris Luong encouraged all kinds of students to come and check out the club.
“Some people might be intimidated and think that they have to be an economics or business major, but you don’t have to have a lot of knowledge before you come,” said Claar.
Anyone who is interested in talking about aspects of economics or business ideas is welcome to join, said Luong, who is majoring in finance. The group meets on Wednesdays in LA 170 from 5-6 p.m.
Anime Cosplay Club
Member Ayla Tighe, a computer science major, was fittingly dressed in a costume as she sat at the club’s table.
“During meetings, we watch anime and then talk about it, but lately we’ve been focusing more on cosplay,” said Tighe.
Youmacon is an anime convention in Detroit coming up from Oct. 31-Nov. 3, and members of the club have been working on getting their costumes ready for the convention.
The Anime Cosplay Club meets on Thursdays from 3-7 p.m. in LA 371.
Pre-Med Club
Lama Dahglas, Martin Davalier and Julio Roque are all pre-med majors and members of the Pre-Med Club on campus. The group meets on Fridays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in LA 163, and all pre-med students are welcome to join.
“It allows students to talk and exchange information,” Davalier said. The group’s goals are to help pre-med students to study better and to be a part of a community.
Alter WCC
The Alter WCC Club has been led by Jarret Clemons for the past two years. The group usually meets to hang out, eat food, have a bible study and close in prayer.
“We’ve been diving into questions like ‘What’s mercy? What’s grace? Who is God?’” said Clemons.
The group is open to anyone, regardless of age or background, Clemons said.
There is a group potluck coming up Nov. 7, and the group leader hopes to collaborate with other campus ministries in the future. Alter WCC meets in TI 128 from 12-1 p.m. on Thursdays.