Voice Box: Do you think that the American justice system is just?

By Claire Convis
Staff Writer


Q: Do you think that the American criminal justice system is just?


“No, I do not. It’s particularly biased against people of color, and I personally have not had law enforcement harass me as a trans woman, but I do know that law enforcement has harassed members of the LGBTQIA+ community.”

Willow Starling, 31
Video production



“No, I don’t think they give the same respect to people of different races and people of different sexual orientation.”

Morgan Sisson, 23
Early childhood education



“Generally, it’s pretty reasonable. It’s fair in a sense that it sets up rules and guidelines, and if you infringe on other people’s rights, then you can have your rights taken away.”

John-Paul Gjernes, 19



“No, there’s the history that’s slowly changing—but honestly, too slowly—of racial prejudice, and class prejudice, too.”

Katy McKay, 21
Human development


“No, I don’t think so, there’s still racism and a lot of things happening that are not right… and it’s 2019.”

Hadeer Saadeldin, 20



“No, because of financial reasons…if you have a lot of money, then you have an advantage in the system.”

John Demason, 19

