Ambassadors reveal top new student concerns

Shaina DeBries works with new student David Shen during a connect session. Lily Merritt | Washtenaw Voice

By Danny Villalobos

During orientation, students new to WCC have the opportunity to learn the ropes from student ambassadors. The ambassadors guide new students through WCC’s various resources, activities and programs.

We asked the ambassadors to share with us the questions they get the most—and the answers.

Ali Attar, 17, General Studies, Math and Science

Where can I take my placement tests?

“You can take your placement tests in the testing center room at room SC 300A. The hours of operation are posted online. Also, if you don’t get the score that you want, then your next step should be to meet with an adviser.”

How do I find a job and make myself ready for that job?

“Career Transitions will help you in finding a job, an internship or an apprenticeship and they can also help in fixing your cover letter, resumés and do mock interviews with you.”

I have a sickness/disability that prevents me from doing my best work in school, where can I get help?

“Go and tell Disability Services which is on the first floor of the LA building. They’ll help you get accommodated.”


Janelle Smith, 16, Liberal Arts Transfer

What classes do you think I should take?

“You should look at the degrees that [WCC offers] and once you’ve chosen you can pick out the classes you want to take; but if you’re still not completely sure, then you should speak with an adviser.”

What’s the difference between a 100 and a 200 level class?

“In my personal opinion, the difference between a 100 and a 200 is the difficulty and pacing of the course. So definitely when you’re taking a 200 level course you want to be very attentive during a lecture and be with good communication with your professor.”

Where do I register for classes?

“You can register for classes at home, but if you’re having trouble you can always come by and meet with the [student ambassadors]. Our job here is to help you with any questions. Another place you can register at the Student Connection.”

Student Connection is located on the second floor of the Student Center.


Tailen Tolever, 20, Business

I’m a parent, where can I get care for my children when I’m in school?

“We have a childcare center here on campus. When you’re in class or studying, you can drop your child off over there; your child needs to be 18 months to 5 years old. The childcare center charges $3 an hour.”

What fun things are offered at WCC?

“We have a lot of different clubs that students can participate in. For instance, there’s a gaming club and a radiography club; there’s soccer and volleyball for those who are into sports (they’re for both men and women). Also, you have to have a 2.0 minimum GPA and be registered for at least 3 credits for that semester.”

How can I meet with my professor?

“It usually depends on your professor, if they’re full-time or part-time. You should check with the professor’s class syllabus on what their office hours are.”

The student ambassadors are available to answer questions and provide students with more information about WCC. They can be reached via email at or you can send them a message on the “New Student Network” page on Campus Connect.

Editor’s note: This Q&A was edited for clarity and length.



Danny Villalobos

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