Safety notes: 05/06/2019

The follow incidents were reported to Campus Security between April 20 – May 3.

Reckless driving

While dropping off a child to school, a woman reported being cut off at the bus turnaround. The woman reported to campus security that a car tried to hit her at the turnaround, but in follow up interviews she claimed otherwise. Video from security cameras reviewed by campus security suggested no recklessness took place. Campus security then took watch at the turnaround to catch any reckless driving. Nothing was found.

Disorderly conduct

Two students began a verbal altercation when one of the students asked the other to stop disrespecting the teacher. The students were part of a high school field trip to the WCC campus. Campus security was called into the room and stayed with the student group until they left on the bus.


The vending machine on the second floor of the LA building had its door open which allowed a small girl to remove three bags of chips along with some coins. The vending machine door has been resecured.  There is no suspect as public safety personnel couldn’t identify the suspect. The case is now closed.


A student reported that her cellphone had been stolen from her car early in the day in parking lot 5. The student left the car unlocked and returned to find her cellphone stolen. The student reported the situation to campus security. When the officer arrived, they suggested to use the “iFind” application, but the student declined. The student later admitted to fault, and the case has been closed.


Campus safety and security asks students and staff to report any suspicious activity or incidents that occur on campus. Campus safety and security is open 24 hours, seven days a week. Call 734-973-3411.




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