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By Tanvi Shah
It was the first week of my exchange program in Lille, France, and the induction activities planned by the college were up and running. On one such day, which brought with it a human pyramid contest held outdoors, I carelessly happened to leave my handbag containing my phone (and other important things) alongside one of the roads in Lille.
As anyone would react, I could vividly feel my heart in my mouth and the warm heat on my cheeks with a constant tape going on in my head: Where’s the bag? Where could I have left it? How could I be so irresponsible? What if someone has taken it? Will I ever get it back?
During all this time, not a single picturesque or beautiful part of the city came even close to receiving my glance. No matter what anyone said or did, nothing helped improve my doleful mood. My bag was practically the only thing I could think of. I kept feeling like going back in time and erasing that moment where I mindlessly left my bag unattended. In fact, I kept visualizing the time when I had the bag in my possession and I thought that was such a great time.
As silly as it may sound, I also wished I took time to express acknowledgment towards my bag, for always being there, clung to my shoulders. In other words, I kept feeling I should never have taken for granted having the bag in my possession.
With the help of this story, I mean to point out the way we inadvertently take normal and good times for granted and fail to appreciate them when we have them. Remember the last time you had the worst cough and cold and it was close to impossible to achieve a simple thing as a breath of fresh air? Didn’t we then wish we acknowledged the ability to breathe freely and thank our nose for making life so comfortable?
Sometimes in the rush of life, we miss acknowledging all the good things going for us that could have easily gone wrong. We fail to take a moment to count all the blessings that have just fallen in our plate, without which life could have been so much tougher. We fail to exude gratefulness towards all the people, things and opportunities that have made our life the best version of itself.
We must realize that an acknowledging heart is much happier and satisfied. At the end of the day, it is that very appreciation that keeps one humble, content and securing the fulfillment of life. When we train ourselves to notice and appreciate the tiniest things in life that are actually not so little, but in fact profound, we are opening our lives to happiness in hundred different forms.
Doesn’t an awesome song playing out of the blue on the radio have the capability to boost your spirits and improve your mood? Doesn’t a sudden climatic switch to breezy and beautiful weather when you are least expecting it, bring pleasure to your heart? Doesn’t a giggling baby laughing in your arms make you feel on top of the world? Acknowledge the feeling. Acknowledge how happy it’s making you inside.
Never hesitate in taking a moment to appreciate the existence of a loving family who always had and will have your back, a close friend who never fails to brighten your mood, or simply the ability to afford a fan above your head. Appreciating every single tiny thing that makes your world go round actually unlocks the fullness of your life and turns what little you have into enough and more.