WCC’s Morris Lawrence building exterior. Washtenaw Voice
By Danny Villalobos
Staff Writer
Morris Lawrence is currently under maintenance until early August, according to Charles B. Smith, director of design and construction.
The maintenance of the building will consist of two projects: the replacement of the air handlers and the boilers. Both the air handlers and the boilers have been a part of the building since it was first constructed in 1993, according to Smith.
The replacements will be done by Monroe Plumbing and Heating.The base bid for the air-handler was $548,914 and the base bid for the boiler was $455,886. Smaller contracts were awarded to other companies to do the electronic and controls work.
The replacements were prompted due to the both the air-handler and boiler’s life expectancy being reached. The life expectancy of the equipment is 25 years.
ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, provide guidelines on replacement schedules, according to Smith.
The new equipment will be more efficient, have better system controls, more redundancy, better environmental safety and be more reliable.
Both replacements are funded by the deferred maintenance fund.