Voice Box: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?

Samiena Bradley

Samiena Bradley for the Voice Box. Sara Faraj | Washtenaw Voice

by Danny Villalobos

Staff Writer

and Sara Faraj

Photo Editor


Q: Did you make a New Year’s resolution?


Josh Harris

“Not officially, I’m just always changing the way I live for the better and keeping up with the positive things in my life.”

Josh Harris, 17
Retail Management



Josh Burns

“No, I’m just going to break it in two weeks, why disappoint myself?”

Josh Burns, 19



Andrew Deleruyelle

“Yes, one was to write more music this year.”

Andrew Deleruyelle, 18



Samiena Bradley

“Yes, I want to eat healthier this year, but I don’t know how I’m doing!”

Samiena Bradley, 21
Business Arts



Alicia Dusseau

“No, because New Year’s resolutions don’t get done; Smaller goals are better than resolutions, because they’re easier to achieve.”

Alicia Dusseau, 19
Forensic Science


Sara Stribe

“No I haven’t, I think it’s just a marking on the calendar and I think you can start changing whenever.”

Sara Stribe, 20
Paralegal Pre-Law






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