By Cheyenne McGuire
The recent meeting of the A2 Entrepreneurs club welcomed a large crowd.
The club’s founder, Olivia Habart, is a business major and resident of Ann Arbor.
She encouraged members to introduce themselves before explaining a bit about the day’s theme, App Day.
The meeting featured a guest speaker, Josh Joseph.
Joseph is a computer science major from Howell, as well as anofficer of the Computer Science and Software Engineering Club.
He spoke about his work in computer software and program- ming, as well as the projects his club has taken on.
According to Joseph, pro- gramming has allowed him to make his ideas happen.
“Entrepreneurship has made me think of how I should pro- gram to appeal to who I’m trying to sell to,” Joseph said.
Habart was inspired to create the club for people like Joseph af- ter taking several entrepreneur-ship classes at WCC.
“I saw this amazing commu- nity of students who didn’t have a place to get together and talk about ideas,” said Habart.
Habart hopes to connect stu- dents, business owners and any- one else who wants to exchange ideas and experiences.
Business and entrepreneurial skills continue to be important in today’s economy.
“I think with any job you have, you have to be entrepreneurial in a way because it’s really com- petitive nowadays,” said Habart.
Zeta Yu, another club mem- ber, has found “behind the
scenes” stories from speakers to be helpful.
“Even to build your own char- acter, no matter what kind of ma- jor you are, you can come here to learn from the experiences of others and help yourself grow,” Yu said.
The A2 Entrepreneurs has meetings every other Wednesday from 4:30-6:00 pm in LA 160.