Charge up your electronic devices on campus for finals

Searching for WiFi on campus.    Photo illustration | Washtenaw Voice

By Zara Zangana

With finals on the horizon, many students are getting ready with caffeine-powered study sessions. Your coffee may have you charged, but what about your laptop, iPad or other electronic devices necessary for schoolwork? Here are some campus resources available to students to help best utilize your electronics.

The Bailey Library is the perfect place to go with your laptop and charger. Within the library, there are many places to choose from to get your work done.

“In the library, most of the tables in the Active Learning Zone have four chargers on them, and we have USBC and lightning chargers for iPhones,” said Bethany Kennedy, director of Access Services in the Bailey Library.

A mobile charging station can be found in the Bailey Library.

Students can charge their mobile phones with chargers that are plugged into a power source and provided to them at the station, which can be found right across from the resource desk, according to Kennedy.

As for where to find the best, most efficient wifi connection on campus, it turns out that it doesn’t depend as much on the location of where you’re trying to connect, but more so on the time you are trying to connect.

“It’s not so much where on campus, but when on campus to have the best wifi,” according to Derek Anders from the IT Help Desk in the Computer Commons.

When there are too many people connected to the wifi on campus at one time, it becomes very slow, Anders said.

According to Anders, students can get the best wifi connection early in the morning or late in the evening.



Zara Zangana

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