Voice Box: Halloween, costumes, and cultural appropriation

Halloween is coming soon. Are there certain costumes you believe are culturally inappropriate?

by Danny Villabolos

Staff Writer


Marat Fahrner for the Voice Box

I line more on– it’s a costume. If you take it– like there are some costumes that are blatantly made to offend, but I think traditional costumes like, cowboys and Indians, nobody is dressing up as them to go out with the intent to offend. And people who go out of their way to try and make it something that it’s not are part of the problem.

Marat Fahrner

19, Broadcast Communication


Hunter Sexton for the Voice Box, 2018-10-22

Personally, I really don’t mind, like, the inappropriateness; but of course there are other people I would– I’d mind for other people like the teachers who wouldn’t want to see that, but me I don’t mind. I mean, if you want to do what you want to do, go ahead. I wouldn’t do it myself because I’m insecure. That’s my opinion on it.

Joel Rabaut

17, GED


Kate Mink for the Voice Box, 2018-10-22

I think if students are dressing up as another race, that’s pretty much crossing a line. Stereotypes are generally offensive.

Kate Mink

20, Health Science



Jessica Medina for the Voice Box, 2018-10-22

I do not have issues with any halloween costumes in general. I do believe when children dress up as something, it’s because they admire the culture, the person, the icon, whatever it may be and I am 100% ok with sharing my culture.

Jessica Medina

25, Electrical Engineering


Julian Stockton for the Voice Box, 2018-20-22

Off limits can mean a few things, obviously people have the legal right to express themselves however they want. However there are some costume to try to think would cause harm to people and upset people, therefore I would advise against them.

Julian Stockton

Liberal Arts Transfer


Kevin Gant for the Voice Box, 2018-10-22

When people are like– not even like native American and they’re wearing the feather hats and stuff like that and like people who just like use face paint and paint themselves black and red lipstick and stuff like that same goes if you paint your face white, you know? Painting over your skin to look like a race you’re not, I say that’1s kind of offensive.

Kevin Gant

15, Graphic Engineering


