Voice box: What bad habit do you need to get rid of?

By Danny Villalobos

Gavin Ross

Definitely procrastinating, ‘til the last minute to get my work done. I’m really bad at point out of my head to do something, but I’ll put out ‘til the last day. I’m trying to get rid of distractions like, being away from computers and put my phone down and put it down somewhere else.

Gavin Ross
18 yrs, Computer Science



ANgelina Zeoli

Procrastinating. Just devoting more time to actually get school work done in smaller amounts.

Angelina Zeoli
18 yrs, Graphic Design



Emma Kirchhoff

I think probably, just I need to start doing my homework in school more. I’m here for 4 hours and I don’t do anything and then I’m at home and I don’t want to do it. Then I get done at the last minute. It’s like procrastinating, but that’s an extra detail.

Emma Kirchhoff
16 yrs, WTMC, Graphic Design



Julie Bologos

Procrastination, definitely one thing I have to work on. I wouldn’t hold things off, like assignments I just try to get them done as soon as possible and I’d like schedule a few hours everyday to try and work on it.

Julie Bolgos
21 yrs, Nursing

