Summer events: art & music


Rolling sculpture car show

rollingsculptureSome 300 exotic, antique, classic and one of a kind cars pull into downtown Ann Arbor for this annual event on Main, Liberty and Washington streets.
July 13, 2-10 p.m.



Look for WCC exhibitors. Free


Sonic lunch
Free lunchtime concerts in downtown Ann Arbor begin June 7.
Music begins at 11:30 a.m. each Thursday at the corner of Liberty and Division streets.



Shows end at 1:30 p.m.


Townie street party

The Ann Arbor Art Fairs thank community members, in advance, with a kick-off event July 16, 5-9:30 p.m., at North University and Ingalls Mall in Downtown Ann Arbor.

There’s free music, activities for kids and food from local vendors.

