Springtime in the college yard

The entrance to one of the walking trails that surround the WCC campus. Photo by Andrei Pop
Tulips fill the flower beds all around campus. Photo by Carmen Cheng
Spring brings apple blossoms in the trees surrounding Community Park. Photo by Carmen Cheng
by Pam Hennigan


Spring is coming. Students and faculty alike will begin to shake off the cabin fever and head outdoors to spend time in the sunshine between classes. It’s visible in the early harbingers of spring such as the return of robins, trees budding, and early bulb flowers like crocuses and snowdrops pushing up through the earth.

There are nice spots on campus to lounge in during the warmer weather including the community park—a large grassy area surrounded by a circle of trees. Here you will find students studying, playing frisbee, touch football, and just hanging out. Andrei Del Valle, who is majoring in general studies said he likes the community park.

“It’s really peaceful and I like seeing everyone out playing, and sometimes I’ll take a nap,” said Del Valle.

On the other side of campus is a small pond where you will find geese and ducks nesting, and maybe a few frogs. Be careful about the goslings and ducklings, the parents will defend their young. If you have a bit more time between classes and feel adventurous, WCC has about 2 miles worth of trails at the far end of the 5 and 6 parking lots, behind the GM building.

The trails were opened to students, faculty and the public in 2016. The trails wind around two small ponds, used as retention ponds to filter the runoff from the schools parking lots before filtering out into the Huron River. Caitlin Do who is majoring in paralegal studies, is excited about the trails.

“It’s really nice and pretty quiet. Not a lot of buildings or noise,” said Do.

The trails and ponds are used by biology, environmental and geology classes, as well as providing inspiration for artists and photographers. Studies have shown spending time in nature can have calming health benefits. People suffering from stress have found spending time in nature to be very soothing. Walking or hiking trails gets your blood flowing and can promote cardiovascular health as well.

Whether you are having a cat nap in the park or taking a leisurely stroll around the ponds to escape the bustling campus, we can all benefit from the fresh air of springtime. What inspiration will you find around campus this spring?



Pam Brisset

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