Opinion: State of the Union

What was said and what was left unsaid

Last week, President Trump delivered the State of the Union address to a Congress clearly divided and a nation that seems similarly split on many issues.

“Each day since, we have gone forward with a clear vision and a righteous mission: to make America great again for all Americans”
by taking away the health care and retirement security that I promised to protect.

“To everyone still recovering in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, California, and everywhere else—we are with you, we love you, and we will pull through together”
...except, of course, for those sh*thole Puerto Ricans. Who cares if you’re still without power all these months later?

“Together, we are building a safe, strong and proud America.”
…and how dare someone hold up a “23 mass shootings this year and we’re still in January” sign.

“Since we passed tax cuts, roughly 3 million workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses”
…and Walmart followed theirs with 10,000 layoffs and store closings.

“This is our new American moment. There has never been a better time” (…for the mega-wealthy and major stockholders)  “to start living the American Dream.”

“In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life. Our motto is ‘in God we trust’
…provided your god meets the conservative Christian supremacy movement’s definition of a capitalistic who-cares-about-feeding-the-poor-or-caring-for-the-least-of-these version of god.

“We are appointing judges who will interpret the Constitution as written, including a great new Supreme Court Justice, and more circuit court judges than any new administration in the history of our country”
…and have you looked at their lack of qualifications?

“All Americans deserve accountability and respect”
…says the man who boasts about grabbing unsuspecting women by the p*ssy.

“We have ended the war on American energy”
…and will leave it to the taxpayers to foot the bill for the inevitable deregulatory clean-ups.

“We can lift our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity”
…says the man who gave massive tax breaks to the already-wealthy and left the rest of us holding the bag.

“Exciting progress is happening every day.”
…Thank you, Robert Mueller.

“Americans fill the world with art and music. They push the bounds of science and discovery”
…and my administration will continue to muzzle them.

“Struggling communities, especially immigrant communities, will also be helped by immigration policies that focus on the best interests of American workers and American families”
…while I wish people wouldn’t be deported if they aren’t doing anything wrong.

“Small business confidence is at an all-time high. The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value. That is great news for Americans’ 401k, retirement, pension, and college savings accounts.” …which only applies to about a third of Americans as GoBankingRates survey found that 1 in 3 Americans have saved $0 for retirement.

“This is our new American moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American Dream.” …while researchers found Americans have less economic mobility than Canadians and western Europeans.



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