Deputy Editor
Getting together with family and friends during the holidays can be be a warm and welcoming social environment or an uneasy encounter in which family members tread carefully making sure to not provoke someone’s latest political stance. In an attempt to distract from more sensitive topics here is a list of topics to talk about to connect with whoever you choose to spend the holidays with:
The Kardashians, like other things, remain as popular as ever despite the fact few people claim their fandom for them. But, it’s popular culture, which most people either willingly consume or are forcefully confronted with and are bound to have something to say about.
Be thoughtful about people’s interests. Don’t ask your second-wave feminist aunt if she has read Bill O’Reilly’s latest book.
This is an easy question that is guaranteed a response from any overworked, yet not burned out, working family member.
Complimenting someone’s clothing or jewelry is an easy way to break the ice.
Further, try to ask if someone you know who is a fan of a certain kind of music what they thought of an artist’s’ latest album.
There is no surer way to get someone talking then by engaging them in a discussion about their children.
Everyone who has ever done an icebreaker are sure to be familiar with the rose/thorn or high/low activity. It is a good way to talk to someone you know nothing about, like a family member’s partner.
This is a lighthearted topic to get people laughing.
Just like people love talking about their children, they similarly love telling cute stories and showing cute pictures of their pets.
It’s close enough to the new year that people will start thinking into the future and the goals they have for 2018.
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