News briefs: 11/6/2017

Photo by Carmen Cheng | Washtenaw Voice

Hiring vents for veterans and their families

A hiring event for veterans will take place on Nov. 7, 2017 at the Morris Lawrence Building from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. For a full list of employers go to

Stories of Service: an evening with veterans at hill auditorium

Veterans will share their stories onstage at the Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor on Nov. 8, 2017 from 7-9 p.m. The event will feature stories, live music and performances by student Veterans from U of M, EMU and WCC. To reserve your free tickets for preferred seating contact

Washtenaw county to implement pilot program on roadside saliva drug screen

Washtenaw County is being chosen as one of five counties in Michigan to implement a year-long, roadside, saliva drug screen pilot program that seeks to establish policies to administer the screens to drivers suspected of impaired driving. The state of Michigan has seen an increase in impaired driving crashes in recent years and Washtenaw County was chosen based off of the number of impaired drivers arrested and the number of trained Drug Recognition Experts in the county.


There were no new crimes reported to campus safety between the dates of Oct. 20 and Nov. 3. Scott Hilden set out a new set of safety tips to all WCC emails about fire safety.

Empty bowls

The Annual Empty Bowls fundraiser will take place in the Student Center on Nov. 15. Handcrafted bowls from the ceramics department will be sold, along with a small serving of soup, and proceeds will benefit WCC’s food pantry and the WCC Foundation’s student emergency fund. Bowls can be pre ordered at the cashier’s office on the second floor of the Student Center.

Sustainability literacy task force presents ‘Food: from Seed to Table’

Explore the origins of the food that we eat, how it’s grown and how to strengthen local food growing. This discussion is being given by WCC’s own professor Emily Thompson, along with University of Michigan student Kristen Hayden. The talk will be given, along with refreshments, from 6-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7 at the Towsley Auditorium in the Morris Lawrence Building.



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