Washtenaw Whispers: 9/25/2017

A woman shushing, the letters 'WV' are written on her hand

Photo illustration: Andrei Pop

“Secrets can make us feel isolated, but sometimes, it just takes one person telling their truth to shatter the illusion that we are alone.” – Frank Warren, creator of ‘PostSecret’

You are not alone. We are here, and we are listening.

Share your secrets with the Washtenaw Voice team. Submissions are anonymous, and can be submitted via our link at bit.ly/washtenawwhispers. The editorial team selects a number of submissions to share with readers each issue.


“Working for Environmental Michigan/PIRGIM sucks – you just beg for money all day. 😛

“I’ve barely done any homework and I’m ashamed of myself :(“

“One time I borrowed a girl’s dress, accidentally peed while wearing it from laughing really hard, and gave it back to her. I will never forgive myself for it.”

“As a kid I used to hide my parent’s cigarette packs because I hated that they smoked. We have back woods I used to try and bury them back there.”

“I wanna do a naked-run in the History of Photography class ‘coz sth is screaming out :)”

“I have PTSD, and it terrifies me when my teachers stand behind me. I feel bad, because I know they don’t mean any harm, and I don’t know how to bring it up without hurting their feelings.”

