VoiceBox: 9/25/2017

What do you think about upgrading phones as soon as a new version is released?

“I personally don’t think there’s a need. There’ll be an upgrade on just a few things. How much do you really need? I still have an iPhone SE and really the only thing I’d want is a bigger screen.”

Christopher Smith
22, Photographic Technology


“I think it’s kind of pointless. Like I guess waiting until the price goes down is best, but I know the iPhone 8 came out. But personally I would just wait it out until my phone actually breaks, just upgrade it.”

Violet Webster
19, Secondary Education


“Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Because it’s pretty much the company trying to make you spend more money. I was happy with iPhone 4, if you’re gonna go like iPhone version, and I kind of wish I still had my iPhone 4. They just make it more complicated. I don’t know, I think it’s pretty ridiculous. ”

Brooke Baughman
19, Photographic Technology


“Pointless. I have a four year old phone.”

Andrea Lattimore
38, Accounting


“I don’t care to. If the one I have right now works, why replace it?”

Gavin Simon
17, Welding


“With iPhones I think it’s stupid, not much really changes. Androids, you should really wait a year to see if it’s safe, after what happened with the Note 7.”

Makenzie Smith
18, Criminal Justice


“Well I just looked at the iPhone X. My funds are low but I’d personally really like to get it really soon.”

K’len Preyer
20, Computer Science


“It’s pretty stupid, it’s just a waste of money. You don’t really get anything new out of it if you upgrade right away.”

Micky Fifelski
17, Culinary Arts


“It’s a waste, to be honest. The differences between generations aren’t major. You should wait until the next-next generation, to get a real upgrade.”

Daniel Stone
18, Business

