Parking lots

WCC campusBy Suni Jo Roberts
Staff Writer

WCC plans to replace and resurface parking lots 1 and 7, and the access drive and handicapped parking area located on the west side of the Student Center building this summer. The project is expected to be completed by June 28, 2017, according to Damon Flowers, Vice President of facilities, grounds and campus safety at WCC.

The contracts to complete these projects went to Pavex Corporation of Trenton, Michigan to do the Student Center parking lots and to Nagle Paving Co. of Novi to work on parking lots 1 and 7, which was unanimously approved by the board of trustees during their April meeting.

“Life cycle depends on what is underneath the base,” Flowers said. “The earth moves, you have got to maintain it. You got to fill in the cracks because of the freezethaw periods during spring. Maintenance is a big part of the longevity.”

Parking lots 3, 4, 5 and most of 2 will be open to park on during the project, according to Flowers.

