Featured teacher: Julee Boland

By Chanel Stitt
Staff Writer

Julee Boland | Subject: WTMC Critical Thinking

Q: What inspired you to become a teacher?

A: I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I can’t pinpoint
anything specific that inspired me to know that I wanted to be a teacher. I did have a really impactful middle school English teacher and that submitted to the fact that I wanted to teach and teach something that had to do with reading and writing.

Q: Why do you think programs like WTMC are important?

A: They give students choice. They allow students to move through the program at a pace that is right for them. they allow students to explore different careers and paths that I think will help them make decisions down the road.

Q: What powers you through the work day?

A: Caffeine and really supportive colleagues. I’m really lucky to work with the people that I do. We’re very
supportive of one another. I also think our students are awesome. I work with students that are motivated, trying hard and respectful, so it’s a pretty amazing gig.

Q: What is one thing that you want your students to take away from your course?

A: To ask questions and to not accept what somebody is
telling you as fact without having asked some questions.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: The Azores. That’s where my mom’s family is from. I’ve never been and she’s never been. It’s my dream trip at some point down the road to have enough money saved up to take her there.

