Featured teacher: Jesse Wiese

By Hebe Ormsby
Q: What makes you want to teach at Washtenaw?
A: I started as a student at WCC, when I came here they didn’t have an animation degree, so I took the video production and Photography courses. But I like the direction the animation degree is going. This is a good school.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
A: What’s spare time?

Q: What is the most interesting place you’ve traveled to and why?
A: I’ll say Korea. I was in the army for two years there. It was just fun to experience a completely different culture.

Q: If you could ask anyone, living or dead, what would you ask and why?
A: That’s a tough one. Let’s go with, I would have to talk to John Lasseter, he’s the ultimate person, he’s dabbled in everything. He’s been with Pixar from the beginning. I would ask him for any advice, honestly. He was just born with talent.

Q: What is your most important life philosophy?
A: Concerning animation, in life, practice makes perfect. Gotta put in the time and effort, and you have to enjoy what you’re doing.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant?
A: It changes from time to time, but right now it’s Ichiban.

Q: What is the best book you’ve read recently?
A: The Runningman.

Q: What is the most helpful advice you received growing up?
A: This is an easy one. When I went to CCS, there was a teacher who gave advice, saying that giving advice is like taking a toss salad: some advice you get from others and add to your salad, but you also omit some advice because some advice is bad. Gotta make your own little salad of advice.

Q: If you could have any job, without having to worry about qualifications or talent, what would it be and why?
A: Animator, because I love to animate. And with Pixar, obviously.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Probably still doing the same thing, hopefully.

