Girl Scouts Trefoil
What is your position on organizations such as Girl Scouts and why?
“I do support the Girl Scouts. I mean, I like Girl Scouts. The only thing I have a problem with the Girl Scouts is that I’m pro life, and they support Planned Parenthood and all that. So I don’t like that.”
David Lamberjack
17, English
“I just like buying the cookies. They have the cookies, and I like them.”
Jamaal Ingran
15, (high school)
“I think it’s good because it helps them collaborate as a group, and it’s team building. And [the cookies] taste good. I like the thin mints.”
James Kemppainen
18, business management
“I think it’s a good organization for building character.”
Liam McBain
19, general studies
“I feel that it’s a great way to start team bonding and team skills at a young age and teaches them how to work together. I think it’s a good way to raise money, and it’s good that they found something they can benefit from. It teaches them how to get out more and be a people person since they have to talk to people to sell them.”
Zach Lefevre
19, business management
“I think it’s good, and I think it’s good that they’re able to sell cookies up here at the school. A lot of the time, people do want Girl Scout cookies, and they don’t know where to find them. And bringing them up here, they’re probably going to get a lot of sales for whatever they’re trying to raise money for. But I do think it’s a good thing, and I think they should be able to keep coming.”
Sunit Carter
31, nursing
“I think the Girl Scout organization coming to campus is perfect, especially with all the diversity in the students. They can learn and see the college campus and get an idea of what a college campus looks like. Not to mention, they can sell their product with no interference and actually have a more profitable experience on a college campus than at most places such as Walmart and other grocery stores due to the fact that there’s such an influx of people, a constant flow of people coming to campus. So yeah, I do enjoy the organization being on campus.”
Matthew Smith
21, culinary arts/hospitality
“I actually really like the Girl Scouts. I think it teaches girls a lot of etiquette and things to be able to support themselves and be independent. Plus, they raise money for good causes like Planned Parenthood, which I fully support. […] I think we should keep them here on campus. We’re college students—we’re broke, but we love cookies. We get sugar rushes, and it will help get us through classes.”
Natasha Gibson
21, photographic technology
“I think the organization should be allowed to have access to various public entities like this because these entities are not for profit. They’re funded by tax dollars, and I believe that those organizations bring forth and cultivate outstanding youth programs towards the betterment of our children. So, that being said, since these are publicly funded institutions, I believe that the organization should have access to them to promote and fundraise for their individual entities.”
Jim Abraham
48, nursing
“I guess I’m not really a big fan of giant organizations that sort of feed kids ideas. But it’s also a good thing to do. So I’m torn in that sense. Girl Scout cookies taste great. I don’t totally know their political agenda, but from what I do know, I don’t totally agree with it. So to that end, I’m not the biggest fan of the Girl Scouts. Definitely not a big fan of the Boy Scouts. I don’t know. Large organizations that are influencing children’s minds can often go astray, and that would be my worry with the Girl Scouts because there are people with agendas that are behind the scenes pushing things that an innocent child might not know about until years down the road.”
Matt Wilken
38, video production