
VoiceBox: Valentine’s Day edition

By Hebe Ormsby

If you could spend Valentine’s Day with any President in American history [and their family], who would it be, and why?

“Barack Obama because all the videos I’ve seen of him make him look cool. I don’t know, he just seems like a cool guy to hang out with.”
Trey Lavely, 18, Brighton, undecided



“I really don’t know, but if I’m being honest, Trump and his family. And the only reason is because I want to see how he and his family are like as people. I want to see if the negative things said about him are true, hopefully not, but that’s why.”
Ishmael Muhammed, 19, Ann Arbor, automotive



“I probably wouldn’t want to do it on Valentine’s Day, but if I had to, I’d say Trump and his family. Not for any particular reason, but mainly because I’m curious to see what he’s like as a person, and he seems like an interesting person.”
Chris Williams, 18, Ann Arbor, computer science



“I would choose Barack Obama because he seems cool and chill to hang out with, however, If not Obama, I’d choose Bush.”
Corbin Ducheny, 20, Ypsilanti, business management



“I don’t know, that’s a pretty odd question. I can’t say because the a couple of great ones, and some not-so-great ones.”
Matthew Cody, 23, Ann Arbor, culinary arts



“I don’t know if I can answer this question. I’d stick to Barack Obama because when I think about all the Presidents from a long time ago, it wasn’t so great back then, so if I had to think about it, I’d be okay with the Obamas. But, if it wasn’t Obama, it would be John F. Kennedy because I really like him.”
Kiana Turner, 20, Belleville, liberal arts transfer



“I was not expecting that question. I’d say the Obamas because they were a shining example of a good couple. They had a really good relationship dynamic where they really respect each other.”
Jacob Emrich, 18, Dexter, computer science



“Abraham Lincoln because he’s my favorite President. He’s always my first option whenever someone asks me if I could raise anyone from the dead, it would be him. His name is my favorite name to say.”
Liza Throne, 20, Ypsilanti, elementary education



Hebe Ormsby

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