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International Education Week engages WCC community

By Asia Allen-King

A crowd of students have come out this week at WCC in honor of the International students that attend school here on campus.

There have been a series of events offered such as job seminars, open mic event, study abroad information sessions, and an international potluck. Together, these programs have informed and enhanced International students as well as American students.

On Monday, Nov. 14  there was a job seminar here at WCC to show international students how to get a job, what things are offered here at WCC, and work skills you should have.

Over a year and a half ago, the open mic sessions started here at WCC by the former International Student Association president, Marco Delic.

Tuesday, Nov. 15 was the first open mic done this semester. “The ultimate goal of open mic was meant to bring people together through different works of art,” Devin Streur, student advisor International Student Services said.

This year the ISA and English as a Second Language club connected to put the open mic on as a joint effort.

“The International Student Association and English as a Second Language club is what has kept this event alive,” Devin Streur said.

On Wednesday, Nov. 16 students got to learn about studying anthropology abroad for a month during an 8-week class.

“The trip is opened for anyone to come with one requirement that they’ve taken at least one anthropology course” Chris Barrett said.

WCC classes have been doing anthropology in Peru for the past three years. Over the 8-week course the students obtain information for the first two weeks in class, then they travel to the location to stay for a month and come back to finish with a week of class at WCC.

There is a trip coming up in June of next year to the United Kingdom, student registration ended in September, the estimated amount for the trip will cost the students $3,800 dollars. That money pays for airline transportation there, tuition, and other things such as food.

On Thursday, Nov. 17, the International Student Association had their International Thanksgiving potluck style dinner.

This is the second year for this event it was started last year by the current advisor of ISA Devin Struer and the former Dean of Student Diversity and Inclusion, Arnett Chisholm.

Each student brought a traditional dish that represented where they came from.

Mahmoud Abdulkarim, 29, of Ann Arbor is the ISA president here at WCC.

Thursday’s event was considered to the international students as a Family Gathering that doesn’t happen often enough.

“We don’t really consider ourselves as a group. I know the experience of coming from my country, Liberia alone so I believe this gives everyone the experience to be accustomed to the environment because we have each others back,” Abdulkarim said.

The ISA group stands with over 250 group members now and it continues to increase. Students got to bring another person with them to the dinner. Some students didn’t know each other and some who did, but you couldn’t tell because of the friendly atmosphere.

The students had a pie eating contest and a game of international Jeopardy it was a very competitive game with a lot of sense of humor.

“I have felt welcomed coming here from Jamaica; different ladies, different men, and a different place,” Javarney James said. The International Student Center, International Student Advisor, alongside the ISA club created a week’s worth of events that were engaging and enriching.

Digital Photography Abroad, PHO 150, taught by Terry Abrams will be heading on a study abroad trip to Greece May 20-30, 2017.

There will be an orientation meeting on December 06, Tuesday 5-6pm, GM020 in the basement of the library building. Students can get a pre-registration form at the meeting, and go to register after the Dec. 6 meeting.

WCC photography faculty will provide Camera, lens, and laptop computers on the trip.



Asia Allen-King

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